What is Hulless Popcorn? - Snack Eagle (2024)

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You’ve probably heard the term hulless popcorn being branded around for a while. Many people say that it’s better than normal popcorn. But we’ll let you into a secret…hulless popcorn doesn’t exist.

So what is hulless popcorn then, we hear you ask?

Hulless (or kernel-less popcorn is simply popcorn that has a slightly smaller hull than normal.

Now that we’ve got your interest let’s find out more about popcorn hulls, why people want hulless popcorn, and which brands sell it.

What is a Popcorn Hull?

A popcorn hull is sometimes referred to as the kernel, husk, shell, or seed. This is the part that pops when you heat it in a microwave, air-popper, or on the stove.

For the best stovetop popcorn makers, click here.

All popcorn needs a hull to pop, so it’s impossible to have hulless popcorn.

Popcorn hulls were first discovered more than 8,700 years ago. When humans realized that hulls could pop, they used them for all sorts of things, including food, jewelry, and ornaments.

Is Hulless Popcorn Genetically Modified?

No, hulless popcorn isn’t genetically modified. There isn’t any type of popcorn that has been genetically modified.

Something that has been genetically modified is known as a GMO (Genetically modified organism). If popcorn was a GMO, its genetic makeup would have been altered in a laboratory.

Hulless popcorn is a variety of popcorn that naturally has a smaller hull than other types of popcorn. There’s no laboratory involved, so it’s GMO-free.

What are Popcorn Kernels That Don’t Pop Called?

There’s nothing more annoying than unpopped popcorn kernels at the bottom of the bag. If you accidentally pop them in your mouth, they tend to get stuck in your teeth. There’s even a possibility that they’ll break your tooth.

But do you know what these annoying unpopped kernels are called?

You’ll often hear them referred to as Old Maids. Spinsters is another name that unpopped kernels are sometimes given.

Can You Microwave Hulless Popcorn?

Hulless popcorn kernels are the same as normal popcorn kernels, just slightly smaller. This means there’s no need to change the way you pop them. It’s fine to microwave hulless popcorn in a popcorn bag or silicone popcorn popper to enjoy with one of your favorite popcorn flavorings.

How Do You Make Popcorn Without Shells?

If you prefer to cook popcorn the old-fashioned way and use your stove, we’ve got the perfect hulless popcorn recipe for you.

Before you get started, make sure you’ve got the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp of oil – if you’re not sure which oil to use, check out our suggestions here.
  • 1 cup of hulless popcorn kernels.
  • Your choice of seasoning.

Now it’s time to get popping:

  1. Pour the oil into a large pot and put it on medium to high heat.
  2. Put a couple of kernels into the pot and cover with a lid. When they pop, you know that the oil is hot enough.
  3. Throw in the rest of the popcorn kernels and put the lid on the pot.
  4. Gently shake the pot to move the kernels around.
  5. Take the pot off the heat when the popping slows to every 3 to 4 seconds.
  6. Add your choice of seasoning, making sure to toss the popcorn around to cover each piece.
  7. Sit back and enjoy!

Who Can Eat Hulless Popcorn?

Anyone can eat hulless popcorn.

Some people who have problems eating normal popcorn find that hulless popcorn is better for them. These individuals include:

  • Diverticulitis sufferers – People with diverticulitis are often told to avoid eating popcorn because it could make their symptoms worse. However, this advice isn’t correct, according to some experts. Hulless popcorn is easier to digest and it’s gentler on the stomach, so it could be a better option for people with diverticulitis.
  • Brace-wearers – 4 million Americans wear braces. One of the most annoying things about braces is that popcorn hulls can get stuck in them. As the hull is a lot smaller in hulless popcorn, it’s a better choice for people with braces. Click here for info on eating popcorn with braces.
  • Denture wearers – the problem with dentures is that popcorn hulls can get stuck underneath them and cause irritation. This could even lead to an infection. Hulless popcorn is usually a better choice for denture wearers due to the reduced size of the hulls.
  • People with Gastrointestinal disorders – hulless popcorn is easier to chew and digest, so people with gastrointestinal issues, such as IBS sufferers and celiac disease patients, may find hulless popcorn gentler to eat.

Can Young Children Eat Hulless Popcorn?

Sadly, hulless popcorn isn’t safe for young children to eat. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that children under the age of 4 years should not eat popcorn because it’s a choking hazard.

Even though the hull in hulless popcorn is a lot smaller, young children still shouldn’t eat it. The reason for this is that there’s still a hull in the popcorn which poses a choking hazard.

Which Brands Sell Hulless Popcorn?

If you fancy trying hulless popcorn, you’ve got a range of brands to choose from. The following popcorn brands either describe themselves as being hulless or have small hulls:

When shopping for hulless popcorn, you need to look for one of the following varieties of popcorn as they all have smaller kernels than average:

  • Gourmet White
  • Gourmet Red
  • Baby White
  • Baby Yellow
  • Lady Finger
  • Midnight Blue
  • Vintage Red
  • Tender & White

What is Hulless Popcorn? - Snack Eagle (3)What is Hulless Popcorn? - Snack Eagle (4)

You were probably shocked to discover that there’s no such thing as hulless popcorn. But almost-hulless popcorn is the next best thing. It’s a better option for many people as it has a smaller hull which is less likely to cause health complaints. So, if you haven’t tried hulless popcorn before, why not grab a bag the next time you head to the grocery store?

Popcorn popping too small? Let’s check out why.



What is Hulless Popcorn? - Snack Eagle (2024)


Is hulless popcorn real popcorn? ›

Popcorn that's labeled “hulless” is basically just popcorn with smaller kernels. Smaller kernels mean smaller hulls, so you end up with popcorn that's softer, easier to digest, and less likely to get stuck in your teeth or braces. Think of it as virtually hull-free instead of 100% hulless.

What kind of popcorn has the least hulls? ›

No Hull Popcorn(222)
  • Chester's Puffcorn, Butter Flavored Popcorn, 3.25 oz Bag. ...
  • Old Dutch Cheesy Puffcorn, Gluten Free, 7 oz. ...
  • Ladyfinger Popcorn (Hull-less, Tender Popcorn), 1 3/4 Lb Pack, Yankee Traders Brand.

Can you pop hulless popcorn in an air popper? ›

The Specialty Gourmet Popcorn Line (the small kernels/ hulless varieties) may work in some air poppers, but not all air poppers. The hulless varieties are lightweight so they sometimes blow out before they pop.

What does hullness mean? ›

Every popcorn kernel has a hull, known as the seed coat, which is responsible for trapping the moisture and pressure inside the kernel during the heating process, resulting in the POP. The term hulless popcorn refers to varieties of popcorn that are significantly smaller in size.

What is the most unhealthy popcorn? ›

Worst: Lance's Movie Theater Butter Popcorn

"With 11 grams of fat 2.5 cups serving, Lance's Movie Theater Butter Popcorn is on the unhealthier side when it comes to bagged popcorn," says Megan Huff, RD, LD, Cardiac ICU Dietitian.

What tastes like popcorn but isn't popcorn? ›

🍿Sorghum, Buckwheat, Barley and Quinoa can all be popped just like corn and make a delicious treat!

What brands have hulless popcorn? ›

20 Best Hulless Popcorn Kernels
  • Amish Country Baby White Popcorn. ...
  • Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn. ...
  • Fireworks High Mountain Midnight Popcorn. ...
  • Jolly Time Select White. ...
  • Eden Organic Hulless Popcorn. ...
  • Dutchman's White Popcorn. ...
  • Popcornopolis Caramel Corn Popcorn. ...
  • Black Jewell Gourmet Microwave Hulless Popcorn.

How do you get rid of popcorn hulls? ›

Flossing is the best option, effectively reaching in between your teeth and gums. But you can also brush your teeth. To remove the popcorn hull, hold your brush at a 45-degree angle near the gumline. Use a gentle motion of brushing downwards from the base of your gums (if the popcorn is stuck on your upper teeth).

What is the easiest popcorn to digest? ›

Because the Tiny But Mighty Popcorn genus has thinner hulls that virtually disintegrate when popped, our popcorn is much easier to chew and digest, while also preventing the popcorn from getting stuck in your teeth, unlike most popcorn.

Is there popcorn without husks? ›

Its time to set the record straight. There really is no such thing as hulless popcorn. The hull of the kernel is the seed, so naturally, all popcorn has a hull.

How to remove popcorn hull from throat? ›

Take a drink.

Just the act of swallowing liquids may moisten, soften, and loosen the stuck hull. If you have a carbonated beverage (like soda or seltzer), this is likely the best option since there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence to support its effectiveness.

Does white or yellow popcorn have less hulls? ›

Yellow popcorn has a denser kernel shell or hull, so it is chewier and has the satisfying popcorn crunch when you bite into it.

Does Smartfood popcorn have hulls? ›

A: Probably too late for this answer, but no this popcorn is not hull less. The kernels are always usually popped completely, however there are remnants of the hull. I can't eat this because I choke on the hulls no matter how much I chew.

What is hulless popcorn nutrition facts? ›

Medium White Hulless Popcorn
  • Total Fat 1.5g 2%
  • Saturated Fat 0.5g 3%
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 0mg 0%
  • Total Carbohydrates 27g 10%
  • Dietary Fiber 2.5g 9%
  • Sugars 1.5g.
  • Protein 5g.
Apr 3, 2024

Is there such a thing as corn free popcorn? ›

Our “corn-free popcorn” is actually popped sorghum but don't worry, despite its tragic name, it isn't some sort of space-aged ingredient grown in a lab. It's actually an ancient supergrain, and one of the world's most nutritious and delicious foods, grown right here in the USA.

What is mini popcorn made of? ›

Mini Pop! is made from an ancient grain of corn.

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