in my submission, can this phrase be used under casual/chatting context? (2025)

I am a Chinese boy


Chinese - China

  • Jan 1, 2018
  • #1

Hello everyone, I know there was already a discussion about this question in in my submission

but the link above is in Italian basically, so I start a new one right here. thanks in advance.

I have looked up the phrase, "in my submission" means "[legal term] In the legal proof documents that I submitted to judge, I think blah blah blah".

My question is "whether in my submission can be said/used in very casual chatting/conversation?"

because one of my students who is going to attend IELTS English test told me she wants to use it this way: in my submission, moving here is my best option/choice because this place is convenient for me to buy everything I need.

However, I(her English teacher) think this way about "in my submission": 1) submission is the noun of submit, submit means to give something to a superior(a judge) ;
2) in my submission maybe mean "In the legal proof documents that I submitted to judge, I think ...". So how come can "in my submission" be used in casual pattern?

Doesn't this phrase have only one formal usage?

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  • natkretep

    Moderato con anima (English Only)


    English (Singapore/UK), basic Chinese

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #2

    Your student's sentence sounds strange. 'In my submission' is OK when you are referring to documents that you have handed in to some authority.

    Your student might have confused 'in my submission' with 'I submit that ...' (which means 'I argue that ...') but this is also something found in a legal context, and not appropriate for casual conversation.

    I am a Chinese boy


    Chinese - China

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #3

    natkretep said:

    Your student's sentence sounds strange. 'In my submission' is OK when you are referring to documents that you have handed in to some authority.

    Your student might have confused 'in my submission' with 'I submit that ...' (which means 'I argue that ...') but this is also something found in a legal context, and not appropriate for casual conversation.

    thank you sir!



    Senior Member


    German/English bilingual

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #4

    I think the student has simply picked the wrong word, by confusing it with the word that would fit the context perfectly: In my opinion, moving here is my best option.

    I am a Chinese boy


    Chinese - China

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #5

    Edinburgher said:

    I think the student has simply picked the wrong word, by confusing it with the word that would fit the context perfectly: In my opinion, moving here is my best option.

    yeah, my friend, I agree with you. The feeling under her wrong usage with "in my submission" makes hearer think as if she has had to submit some sort of document to IELTS English examiner before she utters/articulates her trains of thought.

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    Scrawny goat

    Senior Member

    English - Ireland

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #6

    A submission may be legal, budgetary or in some other form where a person makes a formal request to someone with the power to grant it.

    I’m sorry your student didn’t accept your view on it, which was correct.

    Please note that, by not capitalising all sentences, you undermine your status as a teacher of English. It’s a serious error which makes the writer look uneducated.

    I am a Chinese boy


    Chinese - China

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #7

    Scrawny goat said:

    A submission may be legal, budgetary or in some other form where a person makes a formal request to someone with the power to grant it.

    I’m sorry your student didn’t accept your view on it, which was correct.

    Please note that, by not capitalising all sentences, you undermine your status as a teacher of English. It’s a serious error which makes the writer look uneducated.

    Thank you very much! I will pay attention to letter capitalization.


    Senior Member


    British English (Sussex)

    • Jan 1, 2018
    • #8

    The phrase belongs to the courtroom, and a Google search brings up many examples where it can only mean "in my opinion"."in my submission" - Google Search

    In an anonymous Word document, "How to moot and courtroom etiquette" apparently giving advice to law students, I found this:


    Never say:
    · "In my opinion"
    Useful phrases:

    · “In my submission I will show that…”
    · “It is my respectful submission that…
    · "It is submitted that"
    · "It will be argued that"

    ]how to moot and courtroom etiquette

    So it's a phrase that can mean "in my opinion", but it isn't suitable for everyday conversation.

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    in my submission, can this phrase be used under casual/chatting context? (2025)
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