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Dora: Hi, I’m Dora. Have you ever had a cold? Did it make you sneeze? Well, my grandma is sneezing and coughing a lot. She has a cold. She feels yucky. That’s why my Mami and I baked treats to make her feel better.
Mamí: Here Dora, here’s the basket of treats to bring to Abuela to make her feel better.
Dora: I call my grandma Abuela. Can you say "Abuela"? Say "Abuela". Ooh, that was good. Will you help me bring the basket of treats to Abuela's House so she can feel better? Great.
Mami: But Dora, where’s your friend Boots the Monkey? I thought he’s going on the trip with you.
Dora: He is, Mama. But I don’t know where he is. Boots, where are you?
Mami (calling out to Boots): Boots?
Dora: We need your help to call to Boots. Will you help me call Boots? You have to say "Boots"! Say it with us.
Dora and Mami: Boots?!
Dora: Louder!
Dora and Mami: BOOTS?!
[Boots comes out]
Boots: Here I... Coooooooooome!!!!!
[Boots lands to solid ground]
Dora: Boots!
Boots: Dora! [hugs her]
Mami: ¡Hola, Boots!
Boots: ¡Hola, Señora Marquez!
Dora: Now we’re ready to go to Abuela's House.
Mami: Now remember you two, don’t lose that basket.
Dora and Boots (promising to Mami): We won’t.
Mami: And watch out for Swiper, the sneaky fox.
Dora and Boots: Ooh, Swiper the Fox.
Mami: That fox is very sneaky. Don’t let him swipe the treats from Abuela.
Dora: We won’t, Mama.
[Mami kisses Dora]
Dora: ¡Adios, Mama!
Boots: Goodbye!
[Mami kisses Boots, then Boots does a backflip]
[Dora and Mami laughing]
[Dora and Boots get going]
Boots: We better hurry to Abuela’s House before Swiper swipes the basket of treats.
Dora: What’s the quickest way to Abuela's house? Let’s stop and think. Who do we ask for help when we don’t know which way to go?
Boots: The Map, the Map!
Dora: The Map, that’s right. I need your help. Will you check the Map to find the quickest way to Abuela’s house? You have to "Map.”
Boots: Say "Map!" Say "Map!".
[Map pops out of Backpack]
Dora: I think you have to say it again.
[Map zooms to the air]
[Map theme plays]
Map: If there's a place you gotta go, I'm the one you need to know. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map if there's a place you gotta get, I can get you there I bet. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. (Song ends)
Map: Dora and Boots wanna find the quickest way to Grandma’s House so they can give her the basket of treats, and make her feel better. Well, I know the quickest way to Grandma's House. To get to Grandma's House, first you go over the Bumpy Bridge, then go across Turtle River, and that’s the quickest way to Grandma's House so Dora and Boots can give Grandma the basket of treats, and make her feel better. So you tell Dora: Bridge, River, Grandma's House. Say it with me. Bridge, River, Grandma's House. Bridge, River, Grandma's House. Bridge, River, Grandma's House. (zooms to the screen)
Dora: How do we get to Grandma's House? (pictures of the three places pop up in front of her) Bridge, River, Grandma's House. First we go over the Bumpy Bridge, then across Turtle River, and then we’ll get to Grandma's House. Thanks for helping. (pictures disappear) So first we have to find the Bumpy Bridge. Do you see a bridge? Where?
(cursor clicks it)
Boots: Yeah, there’s the Bumpy Bridge. Come on, Dora. Let’s go. (hands basket over to Dora)
(Travel song plays)
Dora: Come on say it with us.
Both: Bridge, River, Grandma's House. Bridge, River, Grandma's House. Bridge, River, Grandma's House. Bridge, River, Grandma's House. (walking down a hill) Come on, vamanos. Everybody, let’s go.
Boots: Come on, let’s get to it.
Dora: I know that we can do it. Where are we going?
Boots: Grandma’s House. Where are we going?
Dora: Grandma’s House.
Both: Where are we going?
Fiesta Trio: Grandma's House.
Dora: Where are we going?
All: Grandma's House.
[Dora and Boots laughing and dancing around in a circle]
Dora and Boots: (running) Grandma’s House.
(whisking sound)
Dora: Boots, did you hear that?
Boots: Yeah. That sounds like Swiper the Fox.
Dora: My Mami was right. We better watch out for Swiper.
(whisking sound again)
Dora: If Swiper swipes the basket, then I can't give the basket to Abuela to make her feel better. Will you help me watch out for Swiper? Great. If you see the fox, yell "Swiper.”
(He comes behind the bush)
Dora: Do you see Swiper the Fox? Where? Behind the bush? I don’t see him.
Boots: Me neither.
(Now, Swiper is swinging on tree branches. When he got down, he started following them)
Dora: Where is he now?
Boots: The fox! The fox!
Dora: You have to say "Swiper, no swiping.”
Both: Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping.
Swiper: Oh, man. (Finger snaps)
[He runs away]
Dora: Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.
[They walk to the Bumpy Bridge]
Boots: Look, Dora. The Bumpy Bridge.
[They walk on it and they move all around]
Dora: Whoa, the bridge really is bumpy.
Boots: Whoa-hoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Dora: Careful, Boots.
[Boots drops the basket and it fell down into the ground.]
Both: Oh no!
Boots: The basket, the basket.
Dora: Don’t worry. We'll get the basket back.
Boots: How, Dora? How are we gonna get the basket back?
Dora: I bet I have something in my Backpack we can use. I need your help. Will you check my Backpack for something we can use to pull the basket back up? You have to say "Backpack.”
Boots: Say "Backpack"! Say "Backpack"!
[Flash of light goes off]
Backpack: Backpack, Backpack. Backpack, Backpack. I'm the backpack loaded up with things and knickknacks too. Anything that you might need, I got inside for you! Backpack, Backpack. Backpack, Backpack. Yeah!
Backpack: I have lots of stuff, but Dora needs you to find something she can use to pull the basket up. Can she use this to pull the basket up? (Cursor points to a doll) Can she use this to pull the basket up? (cursor points to a flower) Can she use THIS to pull the basket up? (cursor clicks the fishing rod) That’s right. Dora can use a fishing pole to pull the basket up. Good thinking. (sucking the remaining items back inside) Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum. Delicioso.
Dora: (catches the fishing pole) Thanks. (Now she's getting the hook to touch the basket) Okay, we hooked on to the basket, so now we have to wind up the fishing line and pull up the basket. Will you help me wind up the fishing line? Great. Hold the fishing pole with one hand and make a circle with your other hand to wind up the line. Wind it up, wind it up, wind it up. (winds up the line)
Boots: Here it comes. (basket goes up and he gets it) Got it.
Dora: That was great. Thanks for helping us wind up the basket.
(they walk to the other side of the Bumpy Bridge)
(Fiesta Trio plays fanfare while swinging on a vine)
Boots: All right. We made it over the Bumpy Bridge.
Dora: I can’t wait to get to Abuela's house.
Boots: So where do we go next?
Dora: (pictures of the places pop up in front of her) Bridge, River, Grandma's House. We went over the Bumpy Bridge, so next we have to come to...? (cursor clicks the river) The river, right. (pictures disappear) Do you see a river? Where?
(cursor clicks it)
Boots: Yeah, there’s Turtle River.
Dora: Vamanos.
Boots: Let’s go.
[They go down a hill]
(Travel Song plays, but the part where Dora and Boots list the places is cut off)
Both: Come on, vamanos. Everybody let’s go.
Boots: Come on, let’s get to it.
Dora: I know that we can do it. Where are we going?
Boots: Grandma’s House. Where are we going?
Dora: Grandma’s House.
Both: Where are we going?
Fiesta Trio: Grandma's House.
Dora: Where are we going?
All: Grandma's House.
[Dora and Boots laughing and dancing around in a circle. Dora puts the basket down]
Dora and Boots: (jumping up in the air) Grandma’s House. (picks basket back up and they get going)
(whisking sound)
Dora: Hey, Boots. What was that.
Boots: I don’t know.
(whisking sound again)
Dora: Do you know what that sound is? The fox? Where?
[Swiper is up on a tree]
Boots: Yeah, look. It’s Swiper.
Dora: Oh no. He’s trying to swipe Abuela's basket.
Boots: If we don’t duck down, Swiper will swing into us and swipe the basket.
Dora: Will you help us duck down? Great. When I say "Duck,” duck your head. Here comes Swiper. He’s gonna swing into us. Duck your head.
[Swiper swing to the right, Dora and Boots duck their heads]
Boots: Whoa, that was close.
Dora: Uh oh. Here he comes again. Duck your head.
[Swiper swing to the left, Dora and Boots duck their heads]
Boots: He missed us, and he didn’t get the basket.
Dora: Here he comes again. Duck.
[Swiper swing to the right, Dora and Boots duck their heads]
Boots: He missed us again.
Dora: Great ducking. Swiper didn’t swing into us.
Swiper: (yelling)
Dora: But I think he’s gonna swing into that...
[Swiper lands head first into a tree]
(Boom sound heard)
Dora: Tree.
Swiper (woozily): Oh man.
Boots: Whoa. This basket's heavy.
Dora: Well, let's put it down for a second. Right on this rock.
Both: Whew.
Dora: Okay, ready?
Boots: Ready.
Dora: Hey, where'd the basket go?
Boots: Uh-oh.
Dora: Which way did the basket go? That way?
Boots: Uh-oh. I don't see the basket.
Dora: Will you help us find the basket? Great. Remember, the basket is a rectangle. Let's look for all the things that are rectangles. Is this a rectangle? It's a rectangle, but it's not the basket. Is this a rectangle? But it's a rectangle, but it's not the picnic basket. Is this a rectangle? Right. It's a rectangle and it's the basket. You found it.
Boots: And look. A turtle. A turtle took our basket.
Boots: Where is he going?
Dora: Look. The turtle led us right to turtle river.
Boots: (takes back the basket) Thanks, Turtle.
Dora: But how do we get across turtle river?
Boots: Excuse me. Do you know how to get across this river?
Turtle: Yo hablo espanol.
Dora: Ooh, Boots, he said he speaks Spanish, just like me. So I'll ask him how to cross the river in Spanish.
Boots: Good idea.
Dora: Como cruzamos el rio?
Turtle: Tienen que contar hasta cinco en espanol y cinco tortugas les haran un camino.
Dora: He says, to cross the river, count to five in Spanish, and five turtles will make a path for us. Then we'll get across turtle river.
Boots: Yes.
Dora: We have to count to five in Spanish so we can get across turtle river. Will you help us count in Spanish? Great. Repeat after me. Uno. I didn't hear you. Uno.
Turtle: Uno.
Dora: Dos.
Turtle: Dos.
Dora: Tres.
Turtle: Tres.
Dora: Cuatro.
Turtle: Cuatro.
Dora: Cinco.
Turtle: Cinco.
Boots: Cool.
Dora: The turtles made a path for us to go over. As I walk over the turtles, repeat after me. Uno.
Turtle: Uno.
Dora: Dos--
Turtle: Dos.
Dora: Tres.
Turtle: Tres.
Dora: Cuatro.
Turtle: Cuatro.
Dora: Cinco.
Turtle: Cinco.
Dora: Yeah, I made it across all five turtles.
Boots: Now it's my turn.
Dora: We have to count to five in Spanish again while Boots crosses. repeat after us.
Both: Uno.
Turtle: Uno.
Both: Dos--
Turtle: Dos.
Both: Tres.
Turtle: Tres.
Both: Cuatro.
Turtle: Cuatro.
Both: Cinco.
Turtle: Cinco.
(Fiesta Trio plays fanfare while riding turtle)
Boots: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco.
Dora: Thanks for helping us count in Spanish.
Boots: Let's thank the turtles.
Dora: Yeah. We have to say gracias to thank the turtles. Let's say "Gracias." Say it with us.
Both: Gracias.
Turtles: De nada. De nada. De nada. De nada. De nada.
Dora: They're said, "You're welcome."
Boots: Where do we go next?
Dora: (pictures of the places pop up in front of her) Bridge, River, Grandma's House. We went over the Bumpy Bridge, across turtle river, so next is...? (cursor clicks grandma's house) Right, Grandma's house. (pictures disappear) Now where is my abuela's house? Do you see Abuela's house?
(cursor clicks it)
Boots: Yeah, there it is.
Dora: Come on. Vamonos.
Boots: Let's go.
[Swiper follows behind disguised as a tree]
Dora: Hmm.
Boots: Dora, I feel like we're being followed.
Dora: Me too. Is that tree following us? It is?
Boots: That's a funny tree.
Dora: Yeah, what kind of tree are you?
Swiper: Oh, I'm just a tree.
Dora: My, what a big nose you have there, Tree.
Swiper: The better to smell with. And I smell some delicious treats. Bring that basket a little closer, monkey. I just want to take a sniff.
Dora: Careful, Boots. I don't think it's just a tree. Do you think that's just a tree? (crosses her arms and smirks) Who's inside that tree?
Boots: It's Swiper the fox.
Dora: Swiper's trying to swipe Abuela's basket. Help us stop Swiper. You have to say, "Swiper, no swiping." Say it with us.
Both: Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping.
Swiper: (sadly) Oh man.
Dora: Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.
[They reach Abuela's house]
Dora: We made it to Abuela's house.
(Both cheering)
Dora: Let's call to Abuela.
Both: Abuela!
Dora: Help us call to Abuela. Say "Abuela!" Say it with us.
Both: Abuela!
Dora: Louder!
Both: Abuela!
Abuela: Hola. Estoy aqui. I'm here.
Dora: Come on.
[They enter]
Dora: Abuela.
Abuela: Dora. Boots.
Dora: Abuela, how are you feeling?
Abuela: Don't worry, Dora. I just have a little cold.
Dora: Look what we brought you, Abuela. A basket of treats to make you feel better.
Abuela: Ooh, let me see. Yummy cookies, mangos. (Gasping) Arroz con Leche. Ooh, all my favorite foods. And what this?
Dora: That's a picture I drew of Boots and me.
Boots: That's me.
Abuela: Oh, the picture es bien lindo. It's beautiful. Gracias.
Boots: De nada.
Abuela: Ah. Dora and Boots, I love all my treats. Thanks to you, I'm feeling better already.
Both: Yeah. We did it.
(We did it song plays)
Both: We did it.
Dora: We did it.
Boots: We did it.
All: Yay!
Dora: Lo hicimos.
Backpack & Map: We did it.
Boots: We went over the bridge and across the river.
Both: Yeah, we did it.
Boots: We did it.
Both: We did it. Hooray! We brought the basket of treats to Grandma's house. Yeah, we did it.
Boots: We did it.
Both: We did it.
Boots: We did it.
Dora: We fished for the basket with a fishing pole.
Boots: Swiper tried to take the treats.
Both: But we ducked down low.
Boots: Yay!
Dora: Whoo!
Boots: Hooray!
Dora: We did it!
(Boots whooping)
(Cursor clicks)
Dora: We had such an exciting trip though the woods today. What was your favorite part of the trip? I liked that too.
Boots: My favorite part was when Swiper swung on the vines but we ducked and he got stuck in the tree.
Both: (Laughing)
Dora: My favorite part was seeing my Abuela. We couldn't have made it to Abuela's house without you. Thanks for helping.
(Cursor clicks)