Frozen Banshee Clan Boss Build (2025)

1. Frozen Banshee - HellHades - Raid Shadow Legends

  • 19 jun 2024 · Frozen Banshee is a Rare Champion from the Undead Hordes faction, known for her ability to poison enemies. There aren't many champions in Raid: ...

  • Frozen Banshee is a Rare Magic Attack champion in the Undead faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Full guide, recommended masteries and artifacts.

2. How to build Frozen Banshee for Clan Boss - DeadwoodJedi

  • 19 aug 2022 · Today we'll be looking at how you build Frozen Banshee for Clan Boss, from Early to End game, whether it be Unkillable or Non Unkillable.

  • Today we'll be looking at how you build Frozen Banshee for Clan Boss, from Early to End game, whether it be Unkillable or Non Unkillable.

3. Frozen Banshee | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove

4. Frozen banshee and clan boss- worth it? | Raid Forum - Plarium

  • 17 feb 2021 · Frozen Banshee is amazing for Clan Boss, but as you already said yourself it would be way too many poisons and you would most likely just waste ...

  • Join Raid discussion and read about Frozen banshee and clan boss- worth it? on the Forum. Share your experiences, log in now!

5. Frozen Banshee | RAID: Shadow Legends

  • Clan Boss (Counter Attack Setup) · Deadly Precision. Critical Rate +5% · Keen Strike. Critical Damage +10% · Heart Of Glory. Increases Damage inflicted by 5% when ...

  • Most folk of Teleria view banshees as heralds of inevitable doom, and they do so with good reason. Universally female, these revenants are known for h

6. Frozen Banshee | Raid: Shadow Legends Wiki - Fandom

  • 25 dec 2022 · Frozen Banshee is poisoner in her own right but is particularly effective when paired with another poisoner. She's often a favorite for those ...

  • Last updated 25/12/2022 For other takes on Frozen Banshee see Ayumi's Frozen Banshee (UH-RAM) Cand/or HellHades' Frozen Banshee 3.5 Whether Frozen Banshee was in service of Wurlim Frostking before her "first death" or if she is a mortal warrior felled in one of the many wars that were waged in the Winterlands is unknown. What is known is that the Frozen Banshee’s body remains untouched by the rot of Undeath. Covered in ice and rime, as if she had lain beneath a glacier for hundreds of years, pre

7. Frozen Banshee | Champions - RAID - Codex

  • Frozen Banshee's abilities can be paired with the following champions for better results. ... Mixing a champion having A1 applying a Poison debuff, and a champion ...

  • Frozen Banshee is a rare attack champion from the faction Undead Hordes doing magic damage. Find out more on this Raid Shadow Legends codex.

8. Champion Spotlight – Frozen Banshee - HellHades

  • 23 mrt 2021 · We're not just going to let it go there though. Amazing in a Counter-Attack or Ally Attack composition, she is solidly at home in clan boss, ...

  • Ok Elsa, it’s time to move over, the real ice queen has arrived. Introducing Frozen Banshee. Objectively one of the top poisoners in the game originally released with the advent of Battle Pass 1 (can we please have another Battle Pass? Please?) She has found herself filling up all the CB debuff bars with only a little help since she started. There's a cool combination she has with another rare champion [Gravechill Killer]...

9. Guide to Banshee Jelly artifact and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

  • Skills of : Frozen Banshee · A1 = Caress of Death · A2 = Cruelle Allégresse | CD = 4 tours · A3 = Chilling Wound | CD = 5 turns · Aura of PRECISION:.

  • Guide and information on Banshee Jelly (Frozen) equipment and mastery. All about the Banshee Jelly character, skills, equipment and masteries

Frozen Banshee Clan Boss Build (2025)


Is frozen banshee good for Clan Boss? ›

Overall, Frozen Banshee is a powerful option for many players Clan Boss teams, and towards the late game she is still seen as a Poisoner for Unkillable compositions.

How to use frozen banshee? ›

Frozen Banshee Skills

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has an 80% chance pf placing a 5% [Poison] debuff for 2 turns if the target is under a [Poison Sensitivity] debuff. Attacks 1 enemy. Fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 2% for each debuff on the target.

Is Banshee good in Raid Shadow Legends? ›

All of Banshee's skills are great for Undead Faction Wars allowing a weak decrease defence and a chance to remove opponents buffs.

Who is the most powerful banshee? ›

Lydia has been referred to as an exceptionally powerful Banshee, and as such, she is the one whose powers have been explored the most in the series.

What are the most important buffs for Clan Boss? ›

The most important buffs for Clan Boss are Increase Defense, Increase Attack, Increase Speed, Increase Turn Meter, and Continuous Heal. Other notable buffs are Counter Attack, Shield, Continuous Heal, and Ally Protection to increase the survivability of your team!

How do you use a banshee bomb? ›

The Banshee bomb is an alternate fire mode for the Banshee, pressing [B] in Halo 3, or switching to Alternate fire using LB and then pressing RT in Halo Reach, will unleash the Banshee Bomb. It is a rod of green covenant energy, much like the Fuel Rod Gun.

What does poison sensitivity do in Raid: Shadow Legends? ›

Poison Sensitivity increases the damage poison debuffs by 25%/50% (meaning 5% poison debuffs now deal 6.25% of the target's HP if they are under a 25% Poison Sensitivity debuff). Currently there are no champions that can apply a 50% Poison Sensitivity debuff but it is possible it will be released in the future.

What is Banshee weak against? ›

Weaknesses. Decapitation: Banshees can be killed through decapitation. Heart Extraction: Banshees can be killed by ripping their hearts from their chests.

Who is the strongest in RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

Warlord is the only champion in Raid Shadow Legends that can entirely lock down enemies' skills for maximum cooldown. This is a godly ability and earns Warlord a place on any end-game team. In PvP arena battles he will completely negate nukers and other attack champions.

What auras work on Clan Boss? ›

The only Aura that will work against Clan Boss is an All Battles Aura.

Is Doompriest good for Clan Boss? ›

Doompriest is one of the most valuable champions for Clan Boss battles, especially when the affinity changes to Force, Magic, or Spirit. Her passive ability removes one Debuff from every ally with each of her turns, including effects like the Clan Boss's Stun.

Is toragi the frog good for Clan Boss? ›

Toragi the Frog is an Epic Champion from the Shadowkin Faction. Though Toragi's abilities are primarily designed for battling the Clan Boss, he has some of the most valuable Buffs and Debuffs, which are effective against various encounters.

Why is Seeker good for Clan Boss? ›

His A2 ability grants him an Extra Turn and provides your team with an Increase Attack buff, effectively reducing this skill's cooldown to just 2 turns. He is top-tier in many Clan Boss teams, such as the Batman Eater, which is renowned for being one of the most effective Unkillable compositions.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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